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Google Analytics Free Training Classes

Posted by admin on February 18th, 2008 filed in Google Analytics
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Sorry for not posting for the past days, but I did some A/B testing with the famous New York flu, that everybody is talking about.  And being almost finished with the flu before it finished me (results are worse than I ever could have imagined)  it’s time to optimize the Google Analytics campaigns. Here a quick post about the Google Analytics free training session:

Google is having a free 2-Day Training Seminar for the non-profit community. The seminar will be held on March 19-20, 2008 in the Research Triangle Park area of Durham, North Carolina (details delivered upon acceptance) and will last the full two days from 8am to 5pm EST. Lunch will be on your own, but breakfast, refreshments and afternoon breaks will be provided.

So hurry up and sign up here. Only 20 free seats available.

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