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Google API

Posted by admin on April 21st, 2009 filed in Amethon, Google Analytics
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supportedby Nexus One Accessories now available at Onlythnexus.com - your first stop for Nexus accessories.

Finally Avinash announced it: The Google Analytics API. This will be an interesting move since Google Analytics will be open to third party tools. SEO ROI analysis and PPC analysis can now be done without scraping Google Analytics.

Now it’ll be interesting to see, which bid management tool will integrate seamless with the Google Analytics API and how far the API will open up data (real-time would be nice)

If done right this can be an amazing wayto do safe bidding as well as pulling SEO data in a never seen before fashion.

Having said that, I believe there will be some drawback. Google is smart enough to make sure that the shared data won’t be abused. Another drawback I have with G Analytics is the fact that Google owns already the data of half of my life. Do I really want to share and pull data from a system, which is not open about PPC prices?

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