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From access to interaction and integrated experiences

Posted by admin on April 23rd, 2008 filed in Mobile
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David Rivas, VP Technology Management Nokia
sponsored session. Sorry for any typos

Mobile always connected. High value for new services.
Over 150 million S60 based devivces shipped since 2002
Leading devices of all manufacturers
Sold by 200+ carriers
open to branded handset vendors to build devices
open to developer community
open to carriers and open channels
open to S60 Product creation community

Using favorite internet services, true desktop browsing experience in mobile
Evolution from audience or access to participant or interaction
bBeyond Web 2.0, we see complete integratoin

Mobile is driving the definition of the internet
- an increasing numbers of devices are making up the internet
-the internet has evlolved from broadcast medicum to participatory one
-Mobile brings personal context
-S60 is the leading smart phone platform

Capturing, storing, consuming, sharing anywhere, anytime with S60. Connect with location
Symbian , Open C++, Open C, Java, Pythion, Web Runtime based widget, Flash…


Weatherbug widget
Connects with GPS on the device, load specific weather based on location, Forecsast, Satelite maps, webcam access.
Easy to run with basic skills

Web itinery widget
Get access on flights, automatically added to calendar

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