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From Web 2.0 to World 2.0

Posted by admin on April 24th, 2008 filed in Mobile
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Notes from Web 2.0 conference in SFO. A lot of typos, but maybe you can get something out of it.

I. Where, when,who and what
GPS (lat, long) WoEids Place IDs / Open IDs/ Opensocial, Network Time, UPCs, RFIDs Semantic Web
-  Case study: Face Recognition
Signal to Symbol Problems
e.g. Sensory gap (Gap between how an object appears and what it is, Different images of same object can appear dissimilar,)
Image analysis alone (PC on image content) only 43% accuracy. Context analysis 50%
Demo: Zonetag Photos (nokia 360 phones / Motorola)
Demo: Tagmaps.Day Explorer/ Night Explorer / Trip explorer

II. Reinventing Mobile Communication
- Awareness leads to connection
- People-centrics not channel centric
- Open aggregation (produce in one place, publish anywhere)
- Uniquely mobile

Demo: Yahoo One connect (fully location aware)
All your contacts across your networks.
- threaded conversations
- SMS support
- open
- real-time status updateds
- photos, links and more
- nearby contacts
- ad hoc networking / local pulse
- Proximity alerts by person /group / around your location

From “strings to things”
- Extract and bookmar typed entities
- Bookmark information objects and eal world entities
Updates for anything
- From RSS and from entites that do not have RSS
- Open aggregation

Preview: Yahoo onePlace(this summer): Put everything in one place
Import different content as well as Facebook / Myspace ..content.
Smart bookmarks
Abality to get pulse (updates)
Filters by proximity /local events/ points of interest
Enable open system for billions of users

Yahoo widget platform the blueprint for many phones :)
Yahoo’s mobile language. See Blueprint developers guide

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