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Mobile Data Mining

Posted by admin on March 13th, 2008 filed in Mobile
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Paul Barsch over at MarketingProfs posted a great article about ‘Reality Mining”:

In the near future, Dr. Pentland suggests the following can be “learned” from studying data captured from your cell phone:

• Your cadence may reflect your state of mind that day – are you happy, sad, depressed?
• Through capture of location based data, it will be possible to “predict” places you are more likely to visit
• Your calling patterns can help map your social network
• Your physical activity (or lack thereof) could be monitored by health professionals via your mobile device. Pedometer anyone?”

Sounds scary and promising at the same time. Overall I am kind of optimistic that  reality mining might bring a lot of value to my personal life.  But maybe I am just from a generation that is used to get monitored and tracked wherever they are. Just today I unintentionally ran directly in the shooting of a new Disney movie right in front of my office.

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