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Cloning olympics

Posted by admin on September 24th, 2007 filed in Offtopic
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I have written before about my feelings about the cloning business in Germany. Today I got surprised about the dimensions that these “Cloning Olympics” took:

Club Mom is a NYC based startup for moms. It has been pretty successful in creating a social network around parents. According to Alexa, the growth is not incredible high, but Club Mom is certainly on a good track. Once Club Mom took some VC money and got mentioned on Techcrunch, it took not long until the first cloning businesses popped up:

As of today, there are 5 new Mom networks competing in Germany. This means that Germany has more Mom networks than in the US or anywhere else in the world. Not to mention that for years, birth rate in Germany is one of the lowest in the world. I am not sure what these founders had in mind, but I think all of these sites need some serious Link love:

Mamily“, “Mamiweb“, “Mummynetwork.com“, “Netmoms” and “Paulsmama


I am glad that there is a minority of Germans, that are still taking care of real problems in this world:


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