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Comparison of Activity Tracker

Posted by admin on May 20th, 2008 filed in Offtopic
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 It’s all about tracking here and sometimes  most of the time I drift off and post about stuff that I think is pretty cool and interesting….like Activity tracker, that lets athletes and couch potatoes track their inactivity.

So today, I bought the Nike plus system, that let’s you track your runs, time and then upload it to the Nike plus community. It works with a sportsband or an Ipod nano.

I would have loved to test it, but my sportsband display is broken and the runs could not be uploaded and did not record. (once I get it swapped..will post about it more).

Nike Sportsband

Another interesting system is Nokia’s Sportstracker, which supports GPS and has more functionality than Nike plus:

Nokia sportstracker

Nokia’s Sportstracker is a GPS-based activity tracker that runs on Nokia smartphones. Information such as speed, distance and time are automatically stored in your training diary, and on this site you can store and share your workouts and routes.

Compared to Nike’s community, Nokia’s tool seems much cooler. It’s way more interesting to see where people run than how fast they were. Check out a sample run displayed on a map.

However Nokia is unable to build a nice website, (e.g. a website that works in FF) which looks like you want to join. Not sure what they were thinking, when they created a landing page like this.

Last Adidas and Samsung mobile joined forces and launche miCoach . It pretty much has the same functionality like the Nike sportsband but lacks GPS data.


Overall I have to say I love the Nokia system the most (even that my brother works for Adidas). The GPS tracking is just something that I believe is a killer application. However the website looks like a mobile interface and is absolutely not acceptable for a billion dollar company.

Therefore my ideal system would be a German-engineerd Adidas Samsung phone, which runs Android and pulls the data from Nokia’s GPS and mapping functionality. The web interface however should be a Nike like system, that includes a support forum for broken devices and a blog.

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