Ok..with this post I officially announce that I stop giving free SEO / SMO / WebAnalytics/ Online marketing / PPC management / Affilate Marketing / Mobile Marketing… advice to friends, family, Fortune 500 companies and Non-profits.
I’ve worked in the online industry since 1995 and I always loved what I am doing. I am really fortunate to work in this amazing fast-paced industry and it’s just incredible fun. But even that I love what I am doing, l think it is time to announce that I don’t do any free consulting anymore.
This week alone I’ve had 3 requests from friends and companies that needed some kind of “help”. One request was a friend, another one a Non-profit, but the best came from an international well-known Fortune 500 brand.
I’ve almost finished the job for this company in my spare time, but since I know for fact, that their agency wanted to charge them $50.000 for about the same work, that I did for free, I am kind of bummed. Especially that they had the budget for stuff like this and would have paid for it without even thinking about it.
Do you give constant advice for friends, family, non-profits and even companies without charging a dime?