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Mashup Art

Posted by admin on October 23rd, 2008 filed in Offtopic
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While I am presenting at Emetrics in Washington D.C. about Mobile Analytics, my wife, a high-school teacher in a tough NYC neighborhood, is presenting in Albany, NY about something completely different, but really fascinating: Rural Memorials and the effect in local communities.

Even that her “kids” took great R.I.P. pictures in Brooklyn, she did some research on the web and found one of the best uses of a Google Map Mashup:

One of the pictures:

Photo: Martha Cooper

Just off Fulton Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant is a massive wall intended
to honor Yusuf Hawkins, the 16-year-old who was surrounded by a gang of
30 white youths in Bensonhurst on the evening of Aug. 23, 1989, then
shot twice in the chest.”

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