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Mobile Internet Marketing Conference

Posted by admin on June 4th, 2008 filed in Offtopic
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Today took the Internet Marketing Conference in the Penn Hotel place. It was honestly a little weird event for me: A lot of top speakers, but the hotel did not offer any WiFi and for Internet addicts Web Workers like me, this is a little bit of a pain. Especially when the Blackberry starts crashing at the same time.

Anyways…enough complaints. The sessions were pretty good. A lot of innovation from different companies. A lot of presenters were from Sweden and besides their typical Scandinavian coldness ( After receiving and email I am adding this Disclaimer: This is not a racist statement. I am German and I am as cold as a German can be. My humor is also really cold…., but seriously who cares?.) , there products were pretty cool.

Here a few companies that I really liked:

Alan, the CEO from Blogtalkradio showed his interesting site that took off over the past year, but did not get too much coverage. Blogtalkradio is a social network around radio. It let’s you record all your conversations or just interviews and publish them on the web. Currently there are 90 shows and more than 3 Million listeners per month.

Squace, a free mobile web application that lets you surf the web without typing. It looked pretty cook, but I haven’t tested it yet. So…no more comments on that.

Next speaker was Ola, VP or marketing for TAT. Ola really had a great presentation and gave some outlook on what’s next in mobile: Haptic output by 2009. Natural Output / Morphing devices by 20220 (Intelligent). Very Interesting ideas and a Powerpoint to remember.

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One of my favorite apps out there, was an app called MizPee. MizPee finds the closest, cleanest toilets in your area. You can add and review toilets, get some cool deals in your area and challenge your knowledge of toilet trivial.

An application that is incredible useful. Especially in cities like New York, where Starbucks sells one Latte per 23 toilet flushes.

The MarketMinder iTunes application by Fisher Investments helps you sort through financial news

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