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Newspapers long not dead

Posted by admin on June 28th, 2007 filed in Offtopic
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At the 14th World Editor Forum in Capetown many expected newspapers to declare their death. Nothing like that:

” An international survey of 435 news executives and editors shows that 85 percent are either “somewhat optimistic”, or “very optimistic” about their newspaper’s future.”

Global sales rising 2.3 per cent last year, driven by significant growth in India and China.

…[Global] growth was 9.48 per cent over the past five years

…Seven of the world’s 10 best selling dailies are published in Asia, while China, Japan and India account for 60 of the top 100, WAN said in a statement.”

After reading these numbers it is astonishing that everybody still talks about the death of newspapers. Personally I believe it will take longer than some people predicted. The simple reason therefore is the format, as well as the way people use and can access newspapers.

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