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Would you hire a slave for $29/month?

Posted by admin on December 1st, 2007 filed in Offtopic
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I know we live in kind of a sick world and after visiting India and China this year, I am not astonished that services like AskSunday.com and IwantaPA.com have arrived with incredible success back here in the US.

AskSunday.com allows you to get your offshore personal assistant for $29/month for 30 requests a month. Ask Sunday’s employees help you plan your wedding, support you booking a flight/ dentist /restaurant and even pick up a package for you and bring it to your home. Pretty much everything that you need can be done by them for a…. let’s say ….minimum wage fee.

But this is not everything: Another slave service called TutorVista.com helps your kids with their Math/ Biology / Chemistry….. homework. For $49.99 /month you get unlimited tutoring for the first month of your subscription.

Are these services kind of a “perversion” of today’s world? I would say yes. Is it something I condemn? I would say no.

Still….I wouldn’t feel comfortable hiring a slave someone in another country to call in for my dentist appointment. Especially if I knew that for my “PA”, it is is in the middle of the night. But maybe that’s just me. A busier person might see this different.

Would you hire a slave PA?

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