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60% of Hitbox Web Analytics Clients Transitioned To Omniture

Posted by admin on August 2nd, 2008 filed in Omniture
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Omniture announced today that 60% of the Hitbox clients migrated over to the Omniture Sitecatalyst platform. Nobody really expected much of a difference even that back in the day Omniture,who took over Websidestory, announced, that they will keep on supporting Hitbox.
It probably is never effecient to support and develop two different systems.

Overall people can say what they want about Omniture, but they have done pretty much everything right over the past few years. The only flaw in their entire company history is that they never released a simple but working free solution, which would have totally go against Google Analytics, Sitemeter and Co.

But the web analytics vendor wars are far from being over. I am extremely excited about Yahoo Analytics! plans. I guess Yahoo is keeping this a little under the radar, but I expect a full blown free solution coming out to everybody by end of this year (unless M$ is taking Yahoo over).

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