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NEDSTAT launches advanced Browser Overlay

Posted by admin on February 9th, 2007 filed in Other webanalytic software
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Nedstat Logo Nedstat releases new functionality called Direct View, an browser overlay solution based on a patent-pending technology.

Direct View™ has the ability to display numerical values by circles and colours combined instantly bringing performance to life browsing their live website, Sitestat users can instantly visualise the performance of all their web pages and links, gaining immediate insight into visitor interaction with the site.

Nedstat browser overlay

Great to see new approaches with the browser overlay functionality and it is a good move by Nedstat. I am wondering how the whole webanalytics industry will look in the next 5 years if all the smaller vendors keep pushing out new functionalities like that. 2-3 years ago browser overlay was exclusively reserved to the top tier webanalytics vendors and now it is pretty much a must-have functionality.

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