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Books For Boys

Posted by admin on March 17th, 2008 filed in Uncategorized
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Something a little offtopic, but it’s St. Paddy’s day, so I guess it is ok.

My wife is a ninth-grade teacher in a high-needs public school in one of the toughest neighborhoods in New York City. The school serves an underprivileged population of 85% African-American and 14% Hispanic students.

Alarmed by the startling statistics concerning African-American and Hispanic boys, my wife’s school has implemented an all-boys’ English class. The class is designed to increase the boys’ academic self-esteem and to get them excited about literature. Unfortunately, they don’t have many books that boys can relate to and even less money to purchase class sets of high-interest books.

They need 25 copies of Walter Dean Myers’ “Handbook for Boys.” The book is designed to give teen boys, particularly boys who lack male role models, the guidance they so desperately need. Myers says that “Handbook for Boys” “is the book that he wishes he could have read while growing up.”

Your donation would be a means of inspiring and empowering young African-American boys.

The Google Adwords team was so kind to donate $100, but $128 are still left. So if you are interested in donating, please visit the donation page.

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