If you have $2795 in your budget and no idea about web analytics tools, then go ahead and buy the Web Analytics 2009 CMS report.
If you have $0 in your budget in order to figure out which analytics solution is the best for you, then just head over to my free web analytics guide.
It’s not perfect certainly not up-to-date and it doesn’t come close to what CMS Watch 2009 delivers, but it has all the info that you need in order to make the right decision.
A few more tips:
1. 99% of what a company can make out of a web analytics tool, depends on the person using it.
2. Yahoo Analytics is free and recognized as the best free enterprise analytics solutions
3. Omniture is clearly leading the field in the enterprise market. The tool starts with 20k+/year
4. Google Analytics is the most adopted web analytics solution, followed by Sitemeter and others. They are all great tools and easy to use.