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Interview With Woopra Web Analytics

Posted by admin on May 8th, 2008 filed in Woopra
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Woopra the real-time web analytics solution with chat possibilities made some noise in the industry. It has been covered by me and other bloggers here, here, here or here.

Finally someone made an interview with Woopra’s John Pozadzides and some quotes are pretty interesting:

How did you approach (or have you approached) competitive analysis for your market?

We have not completed a full competitive analysis comparing Woopra to the various legacy providers, mainly because we feel the benefits appear to jump out so easily as to hardly warrant the comparison. However some of the primary differentiators include the fact that Woopra is real-time, it’s more accurate, has a far richer graphical user interface, a desktop client that doesn’t require users to log in via a Web browser, and offers features not available anywhere else such as live Web chat, individual user tracking, and extensibility.”

I guess a full benchmark comparison would be pretty impossible. Just have a look at our vendor database.

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