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Woopra Web Analytics Enables Active Sales

Posted by admin on March 30th, 2008 filed in Woopra
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I just had a look at Woopra beta - a new real-time web analytics solution currently in beta. It doesn’t look much different than other web analytics solutions, but it has one very interesting feature, that could be very valuable:

Instant Messaging with real-time visitors

Woopra enables you to engage your visitors by starting a conversation with them; a friendly popup will appear on the web page to establish the chat.

If I understood the system right, this chat can be launched to visitors directly out of the admin counsel, which could be really powerful.

Just imagine someone is browsing back and forth in the organic dog food section of your onlineshop and you could directly interact with the user and recommending them the best organic dogfood for their breed.

Also if someone gets stuck in the checkout process and active customer support rep could increase conversion by helping the visitor.

Also other features (API), that Woopra offers, look promising to me. I guess it’s time for me to upgrade the web analytics vendor guide. We are probably heading towards 300 web analytics and web reporting tools.


(P.S. This post appeared about half an hour before Michael’s post on Techcrunch. I highly doubt that Michael got it from here, but really strange, especially that I barely post compared to Techcrunch…)

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