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Internet sales surpassed the $100 billion mark

Posted by admin on January 5th, 2007 filed in Webanalytics general
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Internet sales surpassed the $100 billion mark for the period January 1, 2006 to December 23, according to data released by comScore Networks. The total is the first time online retail (excluding travel) surpassed $100 billion.

During the first 56 days of the 2006 holiday season, total online retail spending increased 26 percent to $23.11 billion. Sales during the week prior to Christmas (December 18 – December 22,) sales rose 38 percent compared with the same week in 2005….According to comScore Networks, retail e-commerce accounts for approximately 7 percent of consumers’ retail spending (excluding gas, autos and food,) making it an important component of the total economy.

Very interesting to see that “only” 7% of retail spending is based on e-commerce. There is plenty of room for new businesses. Especially in the food sector E-commerce is still very slow even that new concepts like Freshdirect.com seem to work out pretty good.

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